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Bring This Training To Your California Location


The 5-hour "work"shop is an overview of starting a supported living and the in's and out's of doing so. A 45-minute lunch break is included.

This workshop is for those that are considering supported living for their son or daughter, with the possibility of being a parent-run agency.  


I believe that many parents are quite capable of creating and managing a more person centered agency because we know our child better than anyone else.  We know "the looks" that we need to watch for and with the ability to train the staff supporting your child, you may have a better outcome.  As parents, we run businesses, households, and provide supported living services.


This "how-to" person-centered workshop is open to both parents and non-parents interested in establishing person-centered supported living services.


You will learn what it takes to get started.  We will cover the funding needed, the funding sources, staffing tips and attendees will leave with tools that will increase your success. We will review and practice some of the tools that will make your endeavor easier.


You might also leave thinking that working with an agency is your best option. In this case, you will know that the agencies are not making money off your child but are often struggling to stay afloat, due to the legislature and governor's lack of support to programs for people with developmental disabilities. 


Participants receive many free resources that contain time-tested documents, spreadsheets that help you to do your billing, payroll, and other tasks. These documents may be altered to meet the needs of your newly formed agency.


Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops with a working CD drive or have downloaded the files prior to the event. Microsoft Office is needed to open most of the documents.


The Service Design Template is not included but will be made available to attendees at a discount.  A 5-minute demo is offered at each event.


Email for training inquiries.

Your Costs:

  • Cost of a California training $1,200 for a 5-hour training

  • Travel expenses

If you don't have a budget for this, consider charging participants or finding a sponsor. $75 per person is a reasonable cost to charge for this workshop and with about 25 participants you may cover most of the expense.  Work with your local family resource center or Parent Training & Information Center to bring a group together.

What attendees said after a training with Trudy

"You gave us a picture of what our son's life can grow to be, how each of us in our family can also grow forward, and a realistic view of the many challenges and rewards of a person-centered lifestyle."


"We came away with lots of information and it was nice to connect with others going through the same dilemma of figuring out how to transition their adult children to more independent living."


"Your insight was very enlightening."


"Thank you, again!  My boyfriend told me that calling you a “mountain” when we said goodbye was silly; yet, that is how I see you...strong and able to withstand whatever storm approaches.  Thank you for sharing your story and for guiding us along the path."


"Thank you again for an inspiring workshop,  Trudy!  It was a wonderful, hopeful day."


"What a eye opening day yesterday was!  So much valuable information and all presented in a pretty digestible manner!!!"


"Your workshop has opened up options that we did not think possible. It was so nice to be among other parents who had similar thinking to ours."


"Thank you for being so real, for telling it like it is. I won't forget that I don't have to buy into a mentality that says institutions are the only solution to leading independent lives--for the whole family! Although the systems that are available are broken and make me feel like by brother is a peg that doesn't fit anywhere, we can shape our own lives with patience and determination you so aptly demonstrated. I know we're gonna survive, and that's something I didn't know a few days ago, and that's an incredible gift you gave."

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